Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Catching up

Last week was just a little hectic.  Josh was gone on a long rafting trip which left Brooke and I home alone for the week.  I was also in training on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for work which required extra work afterward to prepare for the presentations I had to give throughout those three days.  It's not that it was a lot of extra work, but it was enough to make things a little more difficult to get a run in when I wanted to.  So when my friend, Renee, asked if I wanted to go for a run on Tuesday during our lunch break, I jumped at the opportunity.  Unfortunately, I still had some presentation prep to do during lunch, so we only went out for a quick 1.75 miler.  After work, I took Brooke, her friend, and Seymour to the park down the road to explore a little bit.  I had no idea the park had so many trails held within!  I had planned to go out and run another 3 miles or so, but my body felt otherwise.  I was exhausted and my stamina was lacking.  Instead of a steady run, I decided to let the girls play on the playground and I decided to do some speed work.  I really should do that more often. 

1st run - 1.77 miles at 10:20 avg pace
2nd run - 2.18 miles at 10:24 avg pace

Thursday was spent shopping and packing for our annual Memorial Day trip to the Lochsa.  I took Friday off from work so I could go up and get Josh from his long trip and then head up to the Lochsa.  I intended to go to boot camp at 6am and then out for a run afterward before heading out of town, but Friday morning came along and the run just couldn't happen with the amount of things I had left to do.  I packed my running shoes with high hopes of running while up at the Locha, but that just didn't happen either.  We got home last night (Monday) and I was up and at 'em this morning at boot camp.  I came home and was determined to run, so I did just that.  It felt really, really good.  I flew through the first 2 miles and never kept a pace more than 10:35 for all 5 miles.  The run today makes me feel fairly confident that at some point in time in the near future I might be able to run a 5k in less than 30 minutes, which is one of my goals for running.

Today's stats:
5.03 miles in 51:02
10:08 average pace

To make this post even longer, I've decided to run a 5k this weekend in Idaho Falls.  We have been planning to go to E. Idaho this weekend anyway for a graduation party but didn't have any solid plans other than wanting to go rafting on the Falls River.  Josh informed me today that his friend from high school is going to run a 5k in the morning and then go to a beer festival, and I thought that sounded like a damn good idea!  There is more running to be done before that, but I'm excited about another organized run.

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