I was informed the other day that someone actually reads my blog and I semi-promised to post an update, so here it is...
Our department was contacted by Crossfit E3 (in Eagle) to start a program where POs do Crossfit with some probation kids. I, being overly excited about work providing time to work out, volunteered along with a few other POs to get the ball rolling. I've been to 5 sessions so far and I don't think I've ever felt so sore for so long. The number of squats has highly inhibited my ability to do any sort of normal movements and sitting/standing back up from a sitting position has never been so difficult. For real, people, this stuff is HARD and my muscles are being forced to work in ways I never thought possible. The program is amazing though and it has been really cool to work out with the kids and not have to be the tough PO who calls them out on not getting things done. I'm also really excited to see what this does to my running and how it will eventually make me stronger and (hopefully) faster.
That being said, after week one of Crossfit (3 days) my body ached. I wanted to run but I could hardly move my legs. Sunday morning I got up and convinced my dear husband to take me to breakfast and later that day, feeling better and able to walk up and down the stairs without wincing in pain, I went out for what I had hoped would be a 5 mile run...but two things happened:
1) The dog I took with me (we're dog sitting this week) was tuckered out after a mile and we were forced to walk 1/2 of mile 2 and
2) After finishing 2 miles and dropping the dog back off at the house, my body decided it was done with running for the day and I stopped.
I stretched a bit when I got home and thought I would be ok, but my left quad was killing me for the rest of the day and into Monday. I stretched and took a tennis ball to my muscles. I went to Crossfit on Monday and thought I would die if they asked me to do another air squat (thankfully, they didn't) but my leg was still killing me on Tuesday. Eventually, I gave in to pressure and bought myself a foam roller and rolled out that night. And it worked. I'm a believer now, I guess. I was even able to get up in the morning and manage 30 minutes on the elliptical at home and I honestly wasn't sure how that was going to work. Even better, Wednesday's Crossfit session didn't kill me. I hurt like hell on my legs, but I manged to do some half-assed squats and box jumps! I'm planning to run this weekend, possibly as early as after work today, but that all depends on what's happening with happy hour!
On another note, Team BEEF is kicking off on March 17th and there are a ton of races listed that I'm super excited about running! Hooray!