Sunday, March 11, 2012


I had big intentions for this weekend.  Since yesterday was supposed to be over 60 degrees in the mountains, I decided it would be worth my time and effort to get my boat put together and head up to the river for a day on the water.  That meant there would be no running on Saturday, so I'd have to get my long run in on Sunday.  I got my first day on the river and it was a perfect day!  My parents were nice enough to make us dinner upon our return to Boise and we still managed to be in bed by 10pm (11pm with the time change).  I set my alarm for 7:10 am...I had devised a semi-perfect plan for Sunday:

7:19 (after one snooze) - rise, eat steel cut oats, drink coffee, drink water, shower, etc.
9:00 - church
10:15 - Husband to take me to meet some friends on to run up Shaw Mountain Road
11:00 to 1:00 - Run my little heart out on some hills and then head home
1:30 until whenever - hang out, nap, eat something, and pride myself in getting in 10 miles on hills.

This is what actually happened:

7:10 - alarm went off and thought I hit snooze
8:04 - woke up and realized I turned the alarm OFF instead of snooze
8:04:30 - woke up the kid
8:05 - showered and ran around like a mad woman
8:35 - asked kid to make me a cup of coffee while I ran around gathering running gear
8:39 - realized I could not find my hydration pack or Clif Shot Bloks for 10 mile run
8:40 to 8:44 - ran around trying to find above items
8:45 - left the house for church
8:46 - realized I left my coffee on the kitchen table
8:46:30 - spilled water all over my dress on the way to church as husband gunned it through a yellow light so we wouldn't be late for church
9 to 10:00 - sat through church wondering if I could keep my eyes open for another minute and if I could manage to run 10 miles today
10:15 - got coffee at Fred Meyer while the kid was at Sunday School
11:10 - picked up the kid, went to Blimpie for lunch (so husband could pick up some pre-packaged mayo and mustard for his upcoming Grand Canyon trip), and came home
12:00 - 3:00 - NAPPED.
3:30 to 4:30 - helped the kid with some tennis stuff
5:15 - went to dinner and drank beer. 

Running was not in the cards today.

So here I am, at 7:40 pm, feeling like a traitor.  I am usually all over my training plans and honestly don't ever remember skipping a long run, but today my body couldn't handle it.  It was obvious that I was beaten down and tired and needed to rest.  I am hopeful that tomorrow will allow me to either get up early to run or that I'll be able to leave work early to do the same.  Either way, I still need to get in about 8 miles tomorrow to be on top of my game for Robie.  On a brighter note, I did go to CrossFit on Wednesday and Friday last week and killed Friday's session.  It was tough and exhausting and I was SO SO SO SO SO sweaty, but it was awesome and I can't wait to get back!

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