Wednesday, July 27, 2011

9:40 mile!

Confession: I didn't run yesterday.  I was tired in the morning (what's new?)  I was kind of cranky.  And when I got home from work I drank 2 16 oz Bud Lights. I also ate a crap load of candy at work and after dinner I made cookies.  Wha?!  Ugh. Then, the power went out last night.  Not that that had anything to do with me not running, but it added to the hectic and disgusting food day I had. 

That being said, I was equally as tired this morning. I hit snooze on my alarm a few times.  When I got up I contemplated not running again and just taking my running clothes to work.  I knew if I did that I wouldn't run at all and then I'd feel even more lazy.  I got out the door at 6:30, which was actually the time I wanted to get HOME from my run and decided 4 miles was not going to happen and that I should be happy with 2.  And then I realized I didn't have anything pressing going on at work and I needed to just run to run.  And that's exactly what I did.  Seymour and I ran 3 miles this morning.  I was inconsistent and I didn't really care a whole lot.  I checked my pace but I didn't try to stay at any particular pace...until I was running my 3rd mile, that is.  I glanced at my Garmin around 2.25 and realized I was running at about 9:45 and I felt pretty good.  I glanced again later and I was at 9:30.  2.75 miles down and I was back to my neighborhood and running at 9:20.  Determined to continue at an above average pace, I pushed my last 1/4 mile and finished my 3rd mile in 9:40.  I think that might a record. 

For a girl who didn't want to get up to run this morning, it was a pretty good one. 

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