Friday, April 8, 2011

Bootcamp and compliments and other things

Tonight was my third night of the 6 week boot camp program I purchased on Living Social, and it's far more strange and entertaining than I ever thought it would be.  Darrin, the owner of Warrior Fit, is crazy excited about everything and just plain makes me laugh most of the time I'm there.  The thing that I really like about it is that each session is only 30 minutes, but I still feel like I got a workout.  Also, I don't leave feeling like I'm going to die and never want to return.  In fact, after the first session on Wednesday, I turned to my friends and said I actually felt like I could go for a run.  I'm not saying I actually did go for a run, but my body didn't hate me too much.  I still have 4 sessions of hot yoga left that I need to use before April 19th, but with boot camp being SO much closer to our house, I might not take advantage of those last four sessions of yoga.  We'll see.  I think I got burned out on it the week I went everyday.

We went to Safety Night for the Idaho Whitewater Association last night and saw a bunch of our friends.  I went after boot camp, so I was dressed in work out gear and thankfully, I wasn't too sweaty.  My figure must have really changed over the last month because several people commented on how much weight I've lost and how amazing they think I look.  While I realize I'm definitely smaller, it's weird to have other people notice and comment about my weight loss.  I have about two pounds to lose before I go back to the doc and have him sign off on the County weight loss incentive!  Woot!

Other things: I ran 3 miles on Tuesday at an average 10:40 pace.  My plan was to run another 3 miles on Thursday, but the weather was crappy, so I went to boot camp instead.  Today I was lucky enough to only have to work about 5 hours, so I grabbed a chicken teriyaki and rice bowl (1/2 the rice, extra veggies, and a generous helping of chili paste!) on my way home from work and chowed down at about 3:45.  I decided to get my running shoes on about an hour later and headed out the door for what I expected to be about a 2-3 mile run.  The chili paste got the best of me during the run and my stomach was on fire!  I cut it short at 2 miles and could hardly finish that distance.  I still had plans to go to boot camp at 6:00 and couldn't figure out how in the world I was going to make that happen.  I drank a ton of water, stretched a bit, and then made the decision to go to boot camp and try to make it work.  Thankfully my stomach calmed down after the water and I survived boot camp for the evening.  Oh, my 2 mile run was at an 11:03 average pace.

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