Saturday, February 23, 2013

One more week!

One week from today I'll be running my very first marathon.  Saying training has been easy would be a downright lie. Snow, ice, and wind forced me to run inside and I started feeling ridiculously fast.  Once I ran outside again things felt more difficult and I questioned just how fast I'd really be able to run this marathon and if I'd really be able to run it in under 5 hours (that's always been my main goal).  But who really cares?  I'm running a freaking marathon and I've been strict with my training plan.  I'm ready to do this, I really am.

I was supposed run a mid-week 6 miler this week but I didn't.  I turned my 3 miler into a 3.5 and briefly thought about running 6 on Friday, but that thought was ever-so-brief.  I had 8 on my plan today and set my alarm for 7am since I had to be to a baby shower later in the morning. I snoozed right through the alarm and decided against running in the morning.  I attended the shower and on the way home realized it was far too windy for my taste to run 8 miles outside.  Honestly, I really didn't feel like running at all but since I skipped my 6 miler earlier this week I really could skip out again today.  So I mixed up some Jack3d, downloaded a new audio book, and headed to the Y rather unsure of how it would all go.

Ummm, fast.  That's how it went.  For a girl who didn't feel like running, I finished 8 miles in 1:17:33 - 9:41/mile.  Sure, there were a few walking breaks but I didn't stop the clock.  My posture felt great and my stride, perfect. 

I think I can honestly say that I'm ready for next week.  Until then, 3 miles tomorrow, 4 miles on Monday, and hopefully 2 on Thursday in Phoenix. Bring it on!

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