I mustered up some courage and went down to See Jane Run again on 12/6 after work for the group. I swear I crossed my fingers and my toes on the way there hoping they didn't cancel the run without any communication again. I walked up to the store front a few minutes before 6pm and (thank god) there were girls inside. The door was locked (weird, because they are supposed to be open until 6pm and it wasn't 6:00 yet), but they let me in when they realized I was wearing running gear.
Turns out I was the only person who showed up for the group that night, but Olive (my fearless very-early-20s-something leader) and I went out anyway. I didn't give myself enough time to let my Garmin locate the satellites so I didn't have it on for the first half of the run. I have no idea how fast we were running. I do know this, however: Olive is a much faster runner than I am. We got to the turn around point and we stopped so I could catch my breath a bit. I turned the Garmin on and off we went again. We did about 3.25 miles that night; the 2nd half a bit slower than the first (with the second half at a 10:01/mile average). I know this much is true because I felt much more at ease during the 1.64 miles back to the store than the first 1.64 miles. Olive kept me company and gave me a heads-up that most folks tend to call the store the day before the group runs to let the girls know if someone is joining them for the run. While I don't think this is a very good way to judge who is or isn't coming to run, I did let Olive know I'd give them a call if I planned to join them on Saturday. We'll see how things pan out throughout the rest of the week!
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