Sunday, October 31, 2010

1/2 Marathon Training - cross-training via lefse (?) and 7.1 miles

Wow, less than a week before the Monumental 1/2 Marathon!
After my amazingly fast run on Wednesday I couldn't bring myself to get out for a run (until Sunday) has been absolutely insane and I've been working far more than 40 hours/week in order to make up for being gone later this week.  Yesterday was the annual lefse-making day at church and I had to do some work at Public Safety Day for work.  I probably could have made my way out for a late-afternoon run, but after being on my feet all day, I just couldn't do it.  Plus, lefse-making is cross-training, right?  A nice core and arm workout, no?  If you don't know what lefse is, you're missing out...

That being said, I laid around in bed this morning until about 10 and then decided I better get out for my last long run.  I got my shoes on and mapped a route on google maps and opened the rain.  Lots of rain.  I shut the door and turned to Josh.  "It's raining," I said.  "It's just a little water," he replied.  Crap.  I knew he was right and I knew I needed to run and I absolutely knew that I didn't want to run 7 miles on the treadmill.  Ugh.  I opened and closed and opened the door again and finally stepped outside and took off....and without music.  I really wanted to see how it would be to run 7 miles without music, and also to resist the temptation to hear at what pace I was running at every mile.  I didn't even look at my iPhone.  I will say that probably about 2-3 miles in I honestly didn't feel like continuing.  I felt like just turning around and going home and telling myself that I'd be fine next weekend because I've logged a lot of miles...buuuuut, I didn't.  I kept going. And in the end, I ended up with these stats (and I'm really stoked about the results!):

7.1 miles in 1:18:58
Avg pace - 11:07
HR high - 170
HR avg - 160

Back to that music thing - I've been toying with the idea of running the Monumental without music.  I read a few things about people not running to music during big runs like that because it takes away from the cheers and music and other things that happen.  My last two runs I've done without music and I've had a great pace for both of them.  So now I don't know I'm going to do.  Maybe start out without music and be sure to bring headphones in my hydration pack?  Hmm....

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