Sunday, March 27, 2011

I haven't run for a week...but...

...I'm going on 4 days of hot yoga in a row!  I'm surprised at how much more I can do with each session I attend, and I'm even more amazed at how much my body has changed since I started going to hot yoga regularly.  Yesterday, for the first time since starting this whole hot yoga fiasco, I found myself NOT asking who the fatty was in the mirror and not cringe at the size of my thighs.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not all the way there, but I can definitely see changes.  Plus, I have my "river arms" and I haven't even been on the river yet this year!  Yet another way I've noticed and documented change: yesterday I bought a pair of size 8 jeans! I don't think I've worn a size 8 jean since I was in about 8th grade; I do have a size 8 dress, but as we all know, dress sizes are different from pants or jeans.  Yippee!  I also only have one more pound to lose before I go back to the doctor to weigh in and get my official form filled out so I can get $100 from the County for losing 10% of my weight.

I only have 7 sessions of hot yoga left on my Living Social deal and am trying to figure out if I want to continue.  I love it, but it's so stinking far away from my house and it's actually rather expensive unless you get a good deal (like Living Social).  I also have a Living Social deal for a fitness boot camp, and I suppose I should get that started, but since I've had so much success with body change doing hot yoga, I hate to give that up.  I also need to make sure I get running!  I skipped it every time I had it scheduled this week, partially to do hot yoga and partially because the weather was so crappy. 

I'll get back in the groove, but for now I think I'll finish up my 7 sessions...

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