Wow, tonight was rough. It was over 80 degrees outside, so I decided to do my short run at the gym on the treadmill. I kept the incline at 1.0 and the pace at 5.0 for the first 2 miles, then dropped both for the last 1.1 miles down to .5 incline and 4.8 pace. It was rough, which I attribute it all the beer I drank last night, the enchiladas for lunch, and the candy ( Almond Joys) I ate this afternon. Lame.
Anyway, here are the stats:
3.1 miles in 37:21
HR High 171
HR Avg 161
(I say the HR stats are pretty good considering how crappy I felt!)
I got home and ate even more leftover enchiladas and then went for a short bike ride with Brooke and her friend and friend's dad to the school, since they've decided they want to ride their bikes to school now. It was a nice way to use different muscles after that crappy run after work.
Here's hoping Thursday's run is better and that I can actually run outside...
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