5 miles. Cinq. V. FIVE. Five-freaking-miles. That's what I did today after work. A slooooooow, turtle-speed 5 miles, but it was five miles. I didn't mean to, actually. I meant to run about 3, but my first 2 were pretty crappy and I felt like I had to make up for it somehow, so I just kept going. Like I said, it was slow moving, but I did it. I think I've finally figured out that I'm at my best pace and feel the best during mid-day runs, but sometimes that's just not possible. I hope this is the case anyway. I haven't taken the time to run in the morning yet, but mostly because I'm lazy. I suppose I should give that a shot sometime soon since the Monumental is a morning run. Maybe Saturday or Monday since I won't have to work those days.
5 miles: 1h 7m 27s (you do the math on my pace...terrible, I tell you)
HR high: 178
HR avg: 169
On another note, although my weight has really not gone down throughout this process (yet?), I've found that my pants fit much much better than they have over the past few months. Maybe it's time to take another set of photos...yeah, we'll see about that.
Congrats on 5! You are a ROCK STAR! I love the feeling of "I could have kept going"! I'm starting to feel that now too! Woohoo!